Akatsuki is the name of a group of antagonists in anime and manga series Naruto. Akatsuki (暁, "Dawn") 10-member S-class criminals who feared for their strength and a bad disposition. Conditions of their membership is still not known clearly. But definitely, they all have kekkei genkai or equivalent kekkei genkai unique and horrible and frightening.
The purpose and vision of Akatsuki are also still unclear. But they have enormous interest in the legendary Bijuu-animals that have a huge chakra which no one can control it. Until now the Akatsuki already managed to collect four tailed Bijuu: Shukaku the tail of one, two Nekomata the tail, the tail Isonade three, four Sokou the tail, the tail Hachibi eight.
Each member of Akatsuki wear rings as their identity. Each ring represents the membership and written dengankanji different. Orochimaru who ten years ago out of the Akatsuki still keeping his ring, but was dead dibunuhUchiha because Orochimaru Sasuke is too weak.